
Welcome to the VN SETN web site. Here you will find out a little bit about who we are and you can fill out an application to sponsor an butterfly for a weekend.

For Information about Upcoming Weekends click Upcoming Weekends.

For more information about our community what what Vida Nueva is, click About.


Vida Nueva – A Worldwide Youth Movement

Vida Nueva is Spanish for “New Life”. It is a three-day non co-ed weekend retreat for 15-20 year old young men and women spanning Friday evening through Sunday evening.  You will spend a weekend of living in community with other Christians.

Vida Nueva embodies personal witness, but is not a revival meeting. It involves group dynamics, but is not group therapy, nor is it in any way made to change a person, that is God’s job. The weekend uses Christian instruction, but is not a church school; it is a time to sit back and relax with God.

Vida Nueva has many follow-up activities, but is not a church substitute.



www.tdsetn.org – Sponsoring Organization

VNSETN Council
President: president@vnsetn.org Michael Ellis
Secretary: secretary@vnsetn.org Holly Hawkins
Treasurer: treasurer@vnsetn.org Susan Durand (Daniel Goble Elect)
Men’s Leader: mensleader@vnsetn.org David Mullis (Luke Ozment Elect)
Women’s Leader: womensleader@vnsetn.org Ivette Diaz
Pre-Weekend Team: preweekendteam@vnsetn.org Ryan and Heidi Matthews
Spiritual Director: spiritualdirector@vnsetn.org Donna Fisher
Palanca Team: palancateam@vnsetn.org Grant and Hannah Murphy
Weekend Team: weekendteam@vnsetn.org Dan and Stacy Kehoe
Communications: communications@vnsetn.org Alex Hollis
Data Manager: datamanager@vnsetn.org Dwayne Kingry
Food Team: foodteam@vnsetn.org Shelbi and Madison Goble
Post WeekendTeam: postweekendteam@vnsetn.org Jason and Jessica Dubendorfer
Youth Representative Young Men: youthrepresentativeym@vnsetn.org Darien Agular
Youth Representative Young Women: youthrepresentativeyw@vnsetn.org Josie Woodruff